Even if square footage is a luxury, great style doesn’t have to be. Here are our top 5 simple tips for transforming small rooms into chic, comfortable spaces: (more…)
October 27, 2015
October 16, 2015 /
October 1, 2015 /
Daylight Savings Time ends on November 1. Beat the darkness—and beautify any space in the process—with ample lighting. An artfully executed lighting plan not only keeps you from bumping into the furniture but also creates a warm and inviting home—it improves the appearance of everything in it, too. (more…)
September 11, 2015 /
September 4, 2015 /
July 29, 2015 /
July 29, 2015 /
July 17, 2015 /
July 17, 2015 /
July 15, 2015 /